My Personal Idea of NFT usecase that are yet to be explored

Continuing the discussion from NIP Proposer Season 1 Submission Guideline:


PERSONAL DETAILS AND INTRODUCTION :face_with_monocle: :face_with_monocle:

I’m a civil engineer by profession, but also an expert in trading, defi and crypto knowledge, been in the crypto space for over 4 years and doing wonderfully well in the space, my best saying is ‘they cant stop what comes to stay’, to me xrypto came to stay and brought NFT along as PA.

MY NIP SUMMARY :innocent: :money_mouth_face: :person_gesturing_no:

Using NFTs should be fun and adorable by all, my NIP siggests that NFT should link more with real life usecase to bring along all web2 users to web3

ABSTRACT :scroll:
using NFTs in real life scenario for some of the following;

  • collaborating with tertiary institutions, to employ and accomodate blockchain use, which allows students to write exams online and test online with an NFT pass.

  • collaborating with stores and malls to use NFTa for promo and marketting, which means during the draw, anyone with the NFT has a chance of redeeming the gift.

  • collaborating with network providers to link free data and airtime with wallet holding some NFTs , this involves providing a technology that links users sim to blockchain technology, this will drive more web2 users in.

  • enhancing UI/UX designs to make sure ease comes to play for all users

  • using NFT as collateral in banks and any defi protocol and dapps, this helps increase NFT adoption.

MOTIVATION :mechanical_arm: :person_gesturing_no:

I hope with this NIP proposal, the team and all can develop a more vast and wide range of using NFT in our world and generations to come! No relents!! :innocent: :mechanical_arm:

The NIP introduces ways and proposed measures by which NFT can be utilized to bring web2 users to web3 easily

  • By collaborating with schools, students can make payments with Nfts, even school fees and all, this means the school accepts NFT as a form of payments and the Nft has value, also students can be issued an Nft to access Exams and text online which means a student without the Nft in wallet won’t be able to access the test or exam. It should be noted that lot of students exists worldwide and this process will reward both creators and collectors

  • By collaborating with stores and malls, instead of having a code, an NFt can help to redeem items, by presenting or showing owning the NFT, the customer has access to items. This will reward both creators and collector of the NFt simultaneously and in a symbiosis manner

  • By collaborating with Network providers, lot of people and web2 users uses data and airtime daily, by hosting and marketing a campaign where by the NFt is linked with network Providers, users that has their sim linked with the network can use data and airtime freely, this will help many people to start to know about NFTs as many loves to go after things that rewards them…this surely will bring many web2 users to web3 and also widen the Nft usage as well as rewarding both creators and collectors

  • UI/UX needs to be improved an simplified to help bring more people to NFT world , as this will make the web2 users easily get aquinted with the new trend of NFts, also the interface and look should be simplied as well, and words easily understood should be used on the interface

  • collaboration with banks and lending protocols to enhance the usage of NFT in lending and collaterals, this will bring more revenues to creators and rewards the collectors as well

I commit to open-sourcing the NIP and grants permission for developers within the Mint blockchain ecosystem to build protocols and applications based on this NIP
