WEB3 Innovative IP Authorization Protocol

1.Author’s information

This is Xander, Started engaging in NFT collecting in 2021.

Contact information:

Emai: xdet666@gmail.com

Telegram: @xdet666

2.Simple Summary

This NFT licensing protocol is suitable for well-known brands. It enables on-chain authorization through NFTs, allowing other projects to access NFT content via smart contracts for secondary creation, with revenue sharing for the authorized intellectual property (IP).


The motivation behind this NIP arises from the desire of many Web2 brand owners and artists to transition into Web3 without sufficient methods and scenarios. Through this protocol, Web3 NFT projects can engage in creative exploration across various scenarios.


This NIP aims to onboard a substantial number of Web2 brands or artists, allowing them to promote their brands in Web3. By doing so, they not only gain value but also bring their fan base into the Web3 space.


An artist can tokenize a portion of their work as NFTs on the blockchain using this NIP. Third-party NFT projects can reference this NIP protocol if needed, utilizing its content as elements in their own NFT projects or engaging in direct derivative works.

Earnings generated throughout this process are subject to revenue sharing with the artist, and the sharing ratio can be predetermined by the artist within the NIP protocol. This incentivizes numerous artists to release their works through NFTs.

For a major brand like LV, they can place certain product materials into this NIP protocol. Third-party projects seeking to use these materials can initiate authorization requests through this NIP. LV may charge a fee for material usage or a share of sales to the requesting party. Once authorized, the third party can incorporate LV’s materials into their own projects, facilitating easy entry for Web2 brands into Web3 and brand promotion.



7.Open-source commitment

I commits to open-sourcing the NIP and grants permission for developers within the Mint blockchain ecosystem to build protocols and applications based on this NIP.


Hi, @xdet666

Welcome to Mint Blockchain Developer Forum! This is Rose, Head of Ecosystem of Mint Blockchain,

Would you like to submit your NIP in English so that everyone in the Mint Blockchain ecosystem can read this amazing proposal?

Thanks for collaboration.

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I have modified it into English, please check


Take it to Favs!
I will read when I could focus on it.

I will read when I could focus on it.