Using NFT in real and virtual life

  1. To control digital assets: NFT can activate unique digital assets, such as owning music, photography, video and even domestic pets. This allows the creators of the content to register and protect their intellectual property, and also provides new opportunities for the sale and transfer of digital assets.

  2. For financial instruments: NFT can offer new financial instruments and opportunities. For example, they can be used to create unique ownership rights to digital assets, such as real estate or other forms of ownership. This can be especially useful for tracking property rights and fulfilling smart contracts, which automatically fulfill the conditions of transactions.

  3. For fan ecosystems: NFT-tied applications and marketplaces can also help create a fan emission. For example, musical artists can sell unique concert records or access to exclusive tracks, and fans get the opportunity to support their favorite artist and gain access to exclusive content.

  4. For charity: NFT can be used to collect funds for charitable organizations. For example, unique artistic works or objects of famous artists or celebrities can be sold, and funds can be transferred to charitable goals.

  5. To account for origin: NFT can also be used to account for the origin and confirm the authenticity of jewelry, antiques, historical objects and even food products. This can help exclude fake goods and provide trust in purchases.