Some on-chain and real-life scenarios include :

Property Ownership: NFTs can be used to represent ownership of physical property such as land or real estate. This allows for easier and more transparent property transactions.

Digital Art in Public Spaces: NFTs can be used to facilitate digital art being placed in public spaces. Each work of art can be uniquely identified and owned by someone.

Tokenization of Collectibles: Physical items such as art, rare collectibles, or antiques can be represented as NFTs, facilitating buying, selling, and exchange on global markets.

Automatic Copyright and Royalties: NFTs can record copyright and give content creators automatic royalties whenever their work is sold or reused.

Education and Certification: NFTs can be used to award education or training certificates. This provides clarity and security in recording educational achievements.

Event Tickets and Access: NFTs can be used as tickets to events or concerts. This makes it easy to track ownership and securely transfer tickets.

Digital Identity: NFTs can be the basis for digital identity, allowing individuals to have complete control over their personal data.

Integrating NFTs with real life requires good regulation, reliable blockchain infrastructure, and broad societal acceptance of this technology

Hi, Raya, welcome to Mint Community!

Thanks for sharing your insights on on-chain and real-life scenarios!

If you are submitting your work for NIP Proposer Season 1 Hackathon, please follow the template articulated below! Thanks!

NIP Submission Template

A NIP should include the following 7 components. Failure to include key elements may result in the submission being deemed invalid. We encourage participants in NIP Proposer Season 1 hackathon to submit a complete NIP according to the provided template, while also allowing for the addition of content in formats beyond the template.

NIP Components:

  1. Author’s information***
    Please provide a self-introduction along with your contact information such as email, Telegram, Twitter handle, etc., for further communication.
    Please make sure you leave the right contact, so that we can reach out to you.
  2. Simple Summary
    Summarize in one sentence what this NIP is about.
  3. Abstract
    Summarize the primary innovativeness of this NIP in 3-10 sentences, highlighting any changes and innovations compared to existing NFT standards, or any novel applications in specific scenarios.
  4. Motivation
    NIP motivation clearly communicate why the NIP is necessary and how it contributes to the development and improvement of the NFT ecosystem.
  5. Rationale
    NIP’s rationale aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the new standard, including the background of the problem, the objectives of the solution, and the technical details of implementation, fostering community comprehension and acceptance of the proposal.
  6. Specification (non-mandatory)
    The Specification section should describe the NIP’s syntax and semantics of any new feature and implementation details.
  7. Open-source commitment
    Author should commit that
    “I commits to open-sourcing the NIP and grants permission for developers within the Mint blockchain ecosystem to build protocols and applications based on this NIP.”