Proposal for TikTok/Youtube shot NFT Topic Ecosystem

1. Author’s information
This is Rose, on behalf of Mint Blockchain, submitting NIP621 for the purpose of providing template of Mint Blockchain Hackathon Event.
Contact information:
Telegram: Telegram: Contact @rose_nftscan

2. Simple Summary
NFT-based on-chain shot topic trend-maker rewarding system.

3. Abstract
This proposal suggests the creation of an NFT-based ecosystem inspired by TikTok’s trending topics. Each TikTok topic/Youtube shot topic transforms into a unique NFT, rewarding creators actively contributing to the topic to the original creator. Each topic becomes a parent NFT, while individual contributions form distinct child NFTs.

4. Motivation
This proposal introduces an innovative NFT-based ecosystem inspired by TikTok’s dynamics, providing a fair and rewarding system for content creators while creating a lively and sustainable marketplace for NFT trading. The implementation of this concept promises to enrich the digital content landscape by combining the excitement of challenges with the power of blockchain technology.

5. Rationale
a. NFT Topic Creation and Rewards: Users can transform TikTok topics into NFTs, ensuring creators are rewarded for the popularity and engagement of their initiated challenges.
b. Encouraging Challenge Creation The system encourages users to actively create new challenges, fostering a dynamic and engaging content environment.
c. NFT Revenue for Creators: Similar to creators of effects and templates on platforms like TikTok, these assets become NFTs. As more users engage with these assets, creators accumulate royalties, and NFTs can be transferred to ensure ongoing revenue streams.
d. Ecosystem for Creators and Traders:** The proposal establishes a vibrant ecosystem by incentivizing both content creators and traders, creating a sustainable cycle of content creation and trading.

6. Specification(non-mandatory)

7. Open-source commitment
I commits to open-sourcing the NIP and grants permission for developers within the Mint blockchain ecosystem to build protocols and applications based on this NIP.

Feel free to reach out for any partnership requests/enquiries about hackathon.