NIP Proposal: Fractionalized NFTs (F-NFTs)

Author’s information
I am an advocate for the development of innovative NFT solutions that empower creators and enhance the overall NFT ecosystem. I am excited to share my proposal for fractionalized NFTs (F-NFTs), which would allow users to own and trade fractions of NFTs.

Contact information

Simple Summary This NIP proposes a mechanism for fractionalizing NFTs (F-NFTs), which would allow users to own and trade fractions of NFTs.


The current NFT ecosystem is hindered by its high entry barrier, which can be expensive and inaccessible to many users. Fractionalized NFTs (F-NFTs) offer a solution to this problem by allowing users to own a fraction of an NFT, rather than the entire NFT. This would make NFTs more affordable and accessible to a wider range of users.

F-NFTs could also have a number of other benefits, including:

  • Increased liquidity: F-NFTs would create a more liquid market for NFTs, making it easier for people to buy and sell them.
  • Enhanced community engagement: F-NFTs would allow a wider group of people to participate in the NFT community and share in the success of NFT projects.
  • Greater democratization of ownership: F-NFTs would make it easier for people to own a piece of valuable digital assets, even if they can’t afford to purchase the entire asset.


The current NFT ecosystem is hampered by several limitations:

  • High entry barrier: NFTs can be expensive to purchase, making them inaccessible to many users, particularly in emerging markets.
  • Lack of liquidity: The NFT market is illiquid, which makes it difficult for people to buy and sell NFTs without incurring significant transaction costs.
  • Limited community participation: The NFT community is often exclusive, which can discourage new users from participating.

F-NFTs could address these limitations by:

  • Decreasing the cost of NFT ownership: F-NFTs would allow users to own a fraction of an NFT, making them more affordable and accessible.
  • Improving the liquidity of the NFT market: F-NFTs would make it easier for people to buy and sell NFTs, improving liquidity.
  • Enhancing community participation: F-NFTs would make it easier for more people to participate in the NFT community and share in the success of NFT projects.


This NIP is based on the following principles:

  • Affordability: F-NFTs should be affordable to a wide range of users, including those in emerging markets.
  • Liquidity: F-NFTs should be liquid, making it easy for people to buy and sell them.
  • Community: F-NFTs should promote community engagement and allow more people to participate in the NFT ecosystem.

F-NFTs could achieve these principles by:

  • Creating a new standard for fractionalized NFTs: This would allow for a standardized way of fractionalizing and trading NFTs.
  • Developing a decentralized exchange for F-NFTs: This would provide a platform for buyers and sellers to trade F-NFTs.
  • Creating tools for managing F-NFTs: This would include tools for tracking ownership, managing fractions, and participating in governance.


The F-NFT standard would be implemented as a new feature of the Mint Blockchain smart contract standard. The standard would define how to fractionalize NFTs, manage ownership, and track fractions. It would also provide a mechanism for exchanging F-NFTs on a decentralized exchange.

Open-source commitment

I commit to open-sourcing the F-NFT standard and granting permission for developers within the Mint blockchain ecosystem to build protocols and applications based on this NIP.


Want to support this NIP by Rifat.
Protocol to fractional ownership of NFT - one of base that can become unique utiltity on mint.

All fractional NFT project now - just give fraction, but not five an ability to create & customize fraction count, size and other preference and sell 1 NFT as fractions.

My contacts:
Discord: 0xxxl
Twitter: nft_ea
LinkedIn: AlexNFT

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Maybe, it can be created some intergrations between our NIP proposals.

You can find my idea here:

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Thank you, Alex. For you support.