NFT: Building a Secure and Transparent Healthcare Data Management Ecosystem

1.Author’s information

my name : Crisescic
discord : Yoooo_
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2.Simple Summary

The current healthcare sector suffers from limitations such as data opacity, difficulty in access, and lack of patient control over personal data. To address these issues, healthcare data management solutions using NFT technology aim to provide a clearer, more transparent and secure data management environment through standardization, smart contract permission control, patient data sovereignty and transparent data sharing. This NIP proposes is exp ected to alleviate the problem of medical data opacity and improve data quality and trustworthiness while balancing privacy and ethical considerations.


This NIP proposes does this by introducing NFT technology, which offers a range of solutions including standardized data, smart contract authority control, patient data sovereignty and transparent data sharing. These measures aim to create a clearer, more transparent and secure healthcare data management system that enables patients to manage their health information more proactively, while promoting the quality and sharing of healthcare data. In implementation, there is a need to balance privacy and ethical considerations to ensure healthcare data security and patient rights.


First,there is a lack of transparency in medical data. Patients’ medical records are scattered across hospitals and systems, and there is a lack of unified data interfaces and migration standards. This creates obstacles to data sharing and utilization.Secondly,there is asymmetry in patients’ health data and information. Doctors have far more information than patients, which puts patients in a disadvantaged position in the process of seeking medical treatment.Finally,patients lack control over their data and privacy. Healthcare organizations are free to use patients’ data without any protection of patients’ rights.

NFT ensures the transparency and verifiability of medical data, and solves the problems of data fragmentation and unreliability.

NFT enables patients to have control over medical information, reduces information asymmetry, and protects users’ rights and interests.

This is summarized into two points, highlighting the two major values of NFT in the medical field.

First, it solves the problem of data trust and connectivity.

Second, it is to return the control of data to the users.


The basic principle of this NIP is to make the management of data in the healthcare sector more decentralized, transparent and secure by using NFT technology.

Based on blockchain technology, especially smart contracts, NFT technology allows medical data to be recorded on the blockchain in a tamper-proof manner, safeguarding the integrity of the data.At the same time, by characterizing patients’ medical data in the form of NFT, patients are given more data sovereignty, enabling them to manage and control their personal health information more autonomously.

This rationale aims to build a more transparent, secure and patient-engaged healthcare data management ecosystem.


Patient data : Integrate individual patient health data into an NFT that is owned and controlled by the patient, utilizing the characteristics of NFT to ensure data security and privacy, with patients having the option to share specific health information with healthcare providers.

Electronic Medical Records : Utilizing NFT technology to ensure the authenticity and integrity of electronic medical records, preventing data tampering and improving the trustworthiness of patients’ medical records.

Drug Authenticity and Traceability : Record drug information on the blockchain and trace it through NFT to ensure the authenticity and traceability of the source of the drug.

Medical equipment and devices : Use NFT technology to track and verify the maintenance records of medical equipment to ensure the operational status and safety of the equipment. Record medical device information on the blockchain and traceability through NFT to ensure the factory authenticity and quality of devices.

Medical Insurance and Claims: Use patients’ health data to create personalized insurance NFTs to provide insurers with more accurate risk assessment and reduce the risk of insurance fraud. Alternatively, medical claims records can be stored in NFT format, increasing the transparency and speed of the claims process while reducing disputes.

Medical Training and Skills Certification : Record the training certificates of medical professionals on the blockchain to ensure their authenticity and validity, providing more trustworthy talent for the healthcare industry. It also records the specific skills and experience of medical professionals, making it easier for patients to more accurately assess their competence.

7.Open-source commitment

I commits to open-sourcing the NIP and grants permission for developers within the Mint blockchain ecosystem to build protocols and applications based on this NIP