NFT as Membership, Discount and Loyalty Points

NFT as Membership, Discount and Loyalty Points

  1. Author’s information
    Hello, I’m Bry and been here in crypto world since 2019
    Contact information/s:
    Telegram: @PengePoPera

  2. Simple Summary
    NFT as club membership, Resort and Hotel pass, and supermarket or department store discount and loyalty points.

  3. Abstract
    This idea is all about creating NFT as club membership, hotel/resort pass, and department store discount and loyalty points. Forget the traditional way, forget the cards as proof of memberships and discount. Earn loyalty points and store it on your NFT.

  4. Motivation
    If we want to see a mass adoption, then, let us include ordinary people on the campaign. Let’s start the mass adoption by introducing them to the non-crypto people and use NFT in our everyday life. Let us change the idea that NFT is just collectible by applying a use cases on every NFT’s we mint. A win-win situation for both parties, the organization gets an additional income from every NFT minted while the Minter gets the exclusive offers and discounts from the organization.

  5. Rationale
    NFT as membership for clubs or organization or hotel/resort pass and supermarket discounts will be the new trend in the near future. Thus, it will be the most practical use case of the NFT in real life.

  • Hotel or resort pass NFT - A hotel or resort could offer a lifetime membership through minting nft with members data. Holder of NFT is entitled for normal services and an exclusive service for holders only such as spa, massage and etc. And of course a renewal fee yearly.

-Club membership and supermarket discounts - supermarket points and discounts and club membership can also be good use case of nft. Just like S&R, a supermarket in the Philippines that offers a membership card in order to avail their products in discounted price, nft can also be used as proof of membership instead of using plastic cards. Holders of NFT gets a discount on items plus every certain amount of goods purchased earns you loyalty points which can be stored in the NFT and can be used to purchase a certain product.

  1. Specification(non-mandatory)

  2. Open-source commitment
    I commits to open-sourcing the NIP and grants permission for developers within the Mint blockchain ecosystem to build protocols and applications based on this NIP.

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Hi, Failproof, welcome to Mint Community!

Thanks for sharing your insights on on-chain and real-life scenarios!

If you are submitting your work for NIP Proposer Season 1 Hackathon, please follow the template articulated below! Thanks!

NIP Submission Template

A NIP should include the following 7 components. Failure to include key elements may result in the submission being deemed invalid. We encourage participants in NIP Proposer Season 1 hackathon to submit a complete NIP according to the provided template, while also allowing for the addition of content in formats beyond the template.

NIP Components:

  1. Author’s information***
    Please provide a self-introduction along with your contact information such as email, Telegram, Twitter handle, etc., for further communication.
    Please make sure you leave the right contact, so that we can reach out to you.
  2. Simple Summary
    Summarize in one sentence what this NIP is about.
  3. Abstract
    Summarize the primary innovativeness of this NIP in 3-10 sentences, highlighting any changes and innovations compared to existing NFT standards, or any novel applications in specific scenarios.
  4. Motivation
    NIP motivation clearly communicate why the NIP is necessary and how it contributes to the development and improvement of the NFT ecosystem.
  5. Rationale
    NIP’s rationale aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the new standard, including the background of the problem, the objectives of the solution, and the technical details of implementation, fostering community comprehension and acceptance of the proposal.
  6. Specification (non-mandatory)
    The Specification section should describe the NIP’s syntax and semantics of any new feature and implementation details.
  7. Open-source commitment
    Author should commit that
    “I commits to open-sourcing the NIP and grants permission for developers within the Mint blockchain ecosystem to build protocols and applications based on this NIP.”