Blood4NFT NIP proposal 1234567890

**NIP proposal 1234567890

NIP Components:

1. Author’s information
Howdy Mintheads.
I am “Tex” on twitter also known as Texas HODL CRO. I have been with as an NFT ambassador also a Cronos Blockchain Ambassador, and an Ebisus Bay NFT Ambassador. I have held Crypto and NFT since early 2017. I am certain NFT and digital assets will change the world.

2. Summary
#blood4nft will reward blood donors with NFT to show appreciation, incentivizing partners and donors to connect to help ensure enough blood is needed for blood centers

3. Abstract
Currently, blood donors are rewarded by local business with items such as coffee cups, coupons, hats or shirts. The local business will itemize these gifts as donations on taxes and they will go to people who donated. Adding a NFTs as a reward it will make society better. These NFT Tokens can work as merit badges, be exclusive skins or characters in a game or offer a yearly discount for ice cream at a business.

4. Motivation
By Onboarding people who are key to Society we will create new NFT collectors and collections while creating good for our communities. Every two seconds someone needs blood. It is essential for surgeries, cancer treatment, chronic illnesses, and traumatic injuries. By onboarding people who are key to Society we strengthen the NFT community

5. Rationale
Blood charities receive donations and can create one of a kind rewards for blood donors that take on any character or company. NFT as a merit badge will make others want to do social good. These NFT could be used for exclusive token gated educational or comedy. NFT as rewards for blood donors that could carry value is symbiosis. Giving blood to someone who needs it makes us a better community. Rewarding those who do good makes the organization look charitable.

6. Specification (non-mandatory)
these tokens could be a* [CRC721 Token] or [CRC1155 Token }

7. Open-source commitment
“I commited to open-sourcing the NIP and grants permission for developers within the Mint blockchain ecosystem to build protocols and applications based on this NIP.”

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Great idea Tex! NFTs can be used to distribute both awareness and money to participants that donate blood. I support this! Keep the idea rocking – Upvote!

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