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Top Nightmare Spells Death in a Nightmare. Bad dream protection, [demon of nightmares name dream
demon Freddy, dream demon name demon slayer, dream demons mythology, nightmare demon names, evil
spirits in dreams, herbs for nightmares.
The list below is by no means all-inclusive, please feel free to inquire about a service if you do not see it listed.
Disclaimer: Please note that the spells we provide are based on psychic abilities and traditional healing. It is not an exact science. As such results may vary.
This is a dangerous spell, it is very unpredictable. If ahead with it you’ve been warned. This spell will kill anyone
in another world, in a nightmare. It can backfire on the cast. End up killing. You will need the following items for this spell.
[Casting Directions for ‘Death in a Nightmare’|Top Nightmare Spells Death in a Nightmare
The spell must be done at midnight on a full moon. 1. Get all the ingredients together.
Get in the basement or a room that’s completely consumed in darkness, if there’s a window, leave it, it’s part of the spell.
Draw a pentagram.
Sit at the base of the pentagram, while having the ingredients in the arms.
Put all of the candles around the pentagram.
r. Prior to the caster starts, say this spell;
All the creatures of the dark rivers of blood, from another world I call out to you, allow me to kill this one soul, from this planet onto yours however he’s giving me great pain, gods and goddesses of death and misery, please hear my plea. Make him/her soul suffer.
Following the caster is completed with the place the bowl into the middle of the pentagram and put the herbs into the bowl.
Set the mirror on the left side of the caster’s body.
Set the blood of the victim on the mirror and the casters from the bowl.
Put the lighter in the bowl, and quickly take it out.
Repeat the spell.
Set the mirror where the moonlight can hit it. Then leave until the following morning, remove the candles and reuse the wax for one more death spell, retain the herbs in a window, then keep the mirror there till a month after the caster did the spell, still keep the mirror at a window. The person is either dead, suck, or tortured in the human world as a soul, but as one who can inflict injury to a mortal.